Tag: Ian Thorpe

  • Ian Thorpe on his return to the pool

    By Ian Thorpe, 5-time Olympic gold medallist for Australia … We have a rule of thumb in swimming: for every month you have off it takes about three months of training to get back to your previous condition. I’m not sure what the time frame is when you’ve been out of action for five years…

  • Ian Thorpe at the Royal Wedding

    Ian Thorpe is said to be “extremely humbled and overwhelmed” at receiving an invitation from the future King of England, who he has met only once at a Kirribilli House reception in 2009 when the Prince expressed an interest in Thorpe’s Fountain of Youth charity. Via scaq.blogspot.com and dailytelegraph.com.au. VIDEO: Thorpedo arrives at Abbey

  • Sun 3:41.48 in the 400 freestyle

    China’s Sun Yang swam an impressive 3:41.48 in the 400 freestyle, today at the Chinese national championships in Wuhan. Only Thorpe has ever been faster in textile, from when he back in 2002 swam 3:40.08 in his trademark long-sleeved suit. And Sun is now only 0.13 seconds from Zhang Lin’s Chinese and Asian record of…

  • Thorpe won’t make the 400 freestyle

    Ian Thorpe wishes he would have made his mind up sooner, saying there is no time now to the in shape for his signature 400m freestyle before London 2012. Also, he has to work harder one the underwater part, stating “I have to get used to the idea that swimmers today are staying under the…

  • Thorpe to sign deal with Touretski

    According to the Herald Sun, russian Gennadij Touretski, who guided the careers of Olympic gold medallists and world record-breakers Michael Klim and Alexander Popov, is set to formally secure a new coaching deal with Ian Thorpe. Touretski coaches out of Tenero, a small town on the shores of Lake Maggiore, about an hour’s drive from…

  • Nervousness is Energy

    A good read about how even the very best swimmers get nervous before important competitions, but manage to channel that energy into best efforts Being a little nervous is an advantage, not a disadvantage. This is what nervousness is for – to give you energy. Remember this in your next big race – channel the…