• American backstroker Peter Marshall videotaped his 50 and 100 meter races at the World Cup 2010 event in Beijing, using a GoPro videocamera.

    Here’s the 100 backstroke …

    Beijing Race from Peter Marshall on Vimeo.


  • Sorry, been busy with other projects, and therefore fell behind with this one. Will have to do better ! :-)

  • Stig Ã…vall Severinsen set a new Guinness World Record today, completing a 20 minute, 10 second static breath-hold after breathing pure oxygen for 12 minutes. This was in a shark tank at the Kattegatcentret oceanarium in GreenÃ¥, Denmark. Read for instance deeperblue.com

  • Researchers at McMaster University in Canada believe that the body can get as much benefit from ten short but intensive bursts of exercise, as it can from hours of moderate traning. HIT or “high intensive interval training” involves running or cycling (or swimming?) at almost maximum effort for a minute and then resting for about a minute before repeating the process around 10 times. (more…)

  • Belgium-based Hydrofloors enable you to reuse your pool as a dryland area, by elevating the pool floor vertically, and collapsing the pool steps. The height of the pool may be elevated to any pre-selected water depth, and it even saves energy cost for heating, when fully elevated.


  • Danish freediver Stig Ã…vall Severinsen set a new world record last Saturday the 6th of March, swimming 72 meters under ice in one breath. This was in lake Knudsoe near Ry in Denmark.  The former world record was 57.5 meters, swum by Wim Hof of the Netherlands in March 2001.

  • Right, I have now switched content management system here, from Drupal to WordPress. All content has been migrated, except for a few spam comments, and I have tried to recreate the rest of the functionality as best as possible. With the biggest problem being, that the permalinks have changed a bit, from listing the month name as numbers instead of month short name (for instance “12” instead of “dec”). (more…)

  • The Russian team of Stanislav Donets, Sergey Geybel, Evgeny Korotyshkin og Daniil Isotov set a new 4×100 meter short course medley world record on Saturday, at the Salnikov Cup meet in Saint Petersburg. Their time was 3:19.16, where USA the day before swam 3:21.71. Read SwimmingWorld Magazine.

  • On the second day of the Duel in the Pool competition between USA and Italy, Germany and Great Britain’s “E-stars”, USA’s Rebecca Soni set a new short course 100 meter breaststroke world record, with a time of 1.02.70, where Australia’s Leisel Jones’ world record was 1.03.00. USA’s Julia Smit set a new 200 individual medley world record, with a time of 2:04.60 where Hungary’s Evelyn Verraszto’s world record from the European Short Course Championships last week was 2:04.64. And USA’s men set a new 4×100 meter freestyle world record, with a time of 3:03.30, where France’s world record from last year was 3:04.98. Resulting in USA beating “E-stars” with 185 points again 78.

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