Category: Technology

  • Wavejet, for when you’re tired of paddling

    Two battery-powered jets tucked into the shortboard’s three-inch shell provide 20 pounds of thrust to propel riders at 12 mph – three times the average paddling speed, and just what you need to catch the big one. Read and see WaveJet.

  • Now we’re getting there: A waterproof smartphone

    NEC is preparing a Gingerbread-powered smart phone called N-06C with IPX5 and IPX7 waterproof ratings, meaning that this 7.9mm-thick Android has been tested against small water jets and one-meter immersion. Specs are a 1GHz Snapdragon processor, 480×854 LCD, 1GB ROM, 512MB RAM, 802.11n WiFi, and 5 megapixel camera with 720p video. Via It will…

  • Friis and Pedersen test hypoxic tents

    Danish swimmers Lotte Friis and Rikke Møller Pedersen are among the first Danish athletes to test the effect of hypoxic tents, as a mean to prepare for classic altitude camps, and prolong the effect of them. The Danish elite sport organization Team Danmark has criticized the use of hypoxic tents up until 2009, but has…

  • Cryosauna, a high-tech alternative to ice baths

    Athletes are increasingly using ice baths to stimulate recovery, as seen in this ClubWolverine video with Mike Bottom about swimming recovery. A more high-tech alternative is the cryosauna, where liquid nitrogen is turned into freezing gas, plunging the temperature below -200 degrees Fahrenheit (-128 degrees Celcius), for instance used by ‘Mad Scientist’ Alberto Salazar. The…