Category: Nature
Total Immersion Open Water Camp, Cirali, Turkey, 2012
“This film was shot at the Total Immersion Open Water Camp – Çıralı, Turkey, September 29 to October 5, 2012 – Upcoming similar camps:” Open Water Camp, Cirali, Turkey, 2012 from Johnny Widén on Vimeo.
Yamamoto Corp launches anti-radiation swimwear for Fukushima workers
Read for instance RT and see Designed in an effort to protect Fukushima clean-up workers, Osaka-based swimwear company Yamamoto Corporation unveiled the anti-radiation garments on Thursday. The company claims that the wetsuit made from stretchy rubberized kneaded carbon can stop 100 percent of beta radiation. The swimwear – which weighs only three kilograms –…
Waterlust: What does Water mean to you?
“Waterlust began as a handful of graduate students trying to inspire people to care about the Ocean. Today it has grown into a global community of water lovers, or as we call them Waterlusters. Blending science, art and sport, we publish film, photography and art online that will hopefully get you thinking….”
Marine scientist finds 18 ft Oarfish while swimming off Catalina Island
Impressive, read for instance the Register Marine science instructor Jasmine Santana was swimming along the coast of Catalina Island when she came across the huge beast, which was actually a rare oarfish, but nonetheless the “discovery of a lifetime”, according to local news network KTLA. The oarfish, a type of elongated lampriform fish, looks like a…
Leopard seal tries to teach human to catch penguin
Awesome story from National Geographic photographer Paul Nicklen here, describing how he wanted to swim with the feared leopard seals and ended up being almost force-fed by one. That Swede Göran Ehlme sounds like a funny guy too.
Swimmer killed by shark off Jeffreys Bay in South Africa
See for instance JBAYNEWS, IOL and the National Sea Rescue Institute JBAYNEWS 74 year old JBay local Burgert van der Westhuizen was an experienced open water swimmer, who regularly swam along the coastline of Jeffreys Bay. He was often seen training in the canals of Marina Martinique, mainly in the summer months. Burgert had the respect…
Underwater Research Robot Attacked by Great White Shark off Monterey
See via Pete Thomas Outdoors. We will of course be following this epic Shark vs Bots battle closely. When the researchers pulled the long-range autonomous underwater vehicle (LR-AUV) from the water, they discovered large scrapes on its sides. At first they thought it had been damaged by a boat propeller, but when they looked…
Behold the Galluscam, the incredible DIY chicken powered steadicam
I’m struggling to find any swimming relevance in this, but have to share! :’-) See PictureCorrect Dave, a seasoned cameraman, has always been searching for the Holy Grail of photography—“that steady shot, that really stable picture.†When he’s not shooting, Dave is holed away in his man cave, inventing creative rigs aimed at stabilizing photographs…