Category: Masters
Stop Wiggling in the Water with this Exercise | U.S. Masters Swimming
Body position is an important part of swimming and your streamline. This exercise will help you stop wiggling in the water, improve your core and shoulder strength which will help make you a more powerful swimmer.
Swimming Tips for Breaststroke and Butterfly | U.S. Masters Swimming
Why not try something new if it will improve two different strokes – breaststroke and butterfly. It’s a win-win to improve your timing in both strokes. Try it today.
Freestyle Swimming – Pro Tip | U.S. Masters Swimming
This technique drill is excellent for developing freestyle stroke length, control, and balance when you swim. Make it part of your swimming drills in your daily swim workouts!
How Does A Masters Swimmers Do A Comeback For a PR? | Swimmer Strength
Follow along my journey to a PR after a 9 year break from competitive swimming! I will give you direct insights to my training. Find out why and how I train on land to become faster in the pool!
The Truth About Masters Swimming | MySwimPro
Is Masters swimming worth it? We break down the pros and cons of swimming Masters vs. training on your own. See MySwimPro
Masters Swimming | Club Swimming After the Age of 18 [Podcast] | Propulsion Swimming
On this week’s Propulsion Swimming Podcast, we are looking into the world of Masters Swimming. With British Masters Swimming being one of the fastest-growing aquatic disciplines in the UK we thought it was time that we looked into how you can get involved, what training masters swimming entails, and why once you pass the age…
Breaststroke – Swim it Correctly | U.S. Masters Swimming
Timing is tricky on breaststroke – do it wrong and you can lose all of your momentum in the water. Picked up bad habits because you only use this as your cool down stroke? You call put a lot of strain on your hips, knees and lower back when you swim breaststroke wrong.
Simple, Easy Tips to Swimming Butterfly | U.S. Masters Swimming
Butterfly is one of the toughest strokes out there. It takes a lot of core strength and good form to get it right. But don’t get discouraged swimming butterfly properly is an obtainable goal. We break down how to swim butterfly so you can manage it better in your swim practice.
Olympians Elizabeth Beisel, Josh Davis, and Ashley Twichell Talk Swimming at the USMS Happy Hour
We know Masters swimmers love to swim fast AND socialize. As a part of our first-ever 2020 Toyota USMS Virtual Championships presented by Aug. 12-23, 2020, so we hosted this happy hour to bring in the social part of our event that is missing. USMS record holder Jeff Commings led a fun conversation with…