Category: Health
Is It OK To Pee In The Pool?
Our pools are full of disinfectant chemicals that keep then free of microorganisms, but what you might not realize is that those same chemicals are interacting with, well, you. Today we’re talking poolchem, and we’re going to answer that age old question that’s been pondered in the back of every deep end swimmer’s mind –…
Olympic Swimmer Talks About Her Period
After a race, she told a reporter she didn’t think she swam her best because she felt weak and tired after starting her period.
Is it safe to swim in your contacts?
Is it safe to swim in your contacts? Dr. Danielle Trief of ColumbiaDoctors Ophthalmology gives us answers. Learn more at
U.S. Olympic Swim Team’s Dr. Brian Cunningham
The U.S. Olympic swim team is cared for the same physical therapist, Dr. Brian Cunningham. He joins You & Me today to chat about how it is to care for our Olympic swimmers.
Rio 2016: Swimmers need to ingest only three teaspoons of water to be almost certain of contracting a virus
A report commisioned by the Associated Press has revealed that water in Rio’s Olympic and Paralympic venues holds viral levels 1.7m times what would be considered alarming in the United States and Europe just five days before the Games get underway
Princess Charlene Will Skip the Rio Games Amid Zika Fears: ‘She Has Concerns – And So Do I,’ Says Prince Albert
The 2016 Summer Olympics will be without its highest-profile royal couple. Monaco’s Princess Charlene has decided not to attend the Games in Brazil, and her husband Prince Albert will considerably shorten his own visit over health concerns. A former Olympic swimmer, Charlene has decided to remain home with the couple’s 19-month-old twins, Prince Jacques and…
Can STDs Be Transmitted Through Swimming Pools? An Expert Weighs In
The Question: Is it possible to catch STDs from swimming in a pool or hot tub? No, not unless you’re having sex in the pool with someone who has an STD. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an individual can only pass on an STD through direct person-to-person contact. Take syphilis,…
Why the London Olympics were a gigantic waste of time and money: Richard Williams
That night, and during the 16 days of competition that followed before the Spice Girls closed the show by roaring around the stadium perched on the top of London taxis, it all felt great. A friend of mine was a Games Maker and had one of the best times of his life, but he identified…
Don’t Make Heroes ‘Swim Through Sewage:’ Swimmer Warns of Olympic Venues’ ‘Severely Polluted’ Waters
Earlier this month, a group of Brazilian scientists detected a drug-resistant super bacteria in the waters off of the Rio de Janeiro beaches where 2016 Olympic swimming events will be held. This finding came on the heels of an investigation by the Associated Press that found “dangerously high levels of viruses and bacteria from human…