Category: Gossip

  • Behind the goggles: Questions for Ryan Lochte

    Hard questions for Ryan Lochte from his fans, like if he’s ever wanted to quit swimming. And there is more, USA Swimming is really spitting them out these days

  • Cameron van der Burgh presents Junk In My Trunk

    South Africa’s world record holder Cameron van der Burgh presents the crap stuff that he keeps in the trunk of his Audi A1, including swim stuff (of course) and golf clubs. Sponsored by Audi, yes, but also truly fond of his car. Funny story about Cameron and his car: After competing in the South African…

  • Moving into the upper echelon

    These past few weeks have been quite humbling for us in Faroese swimming, with people acknowledging the little or lot we have managed to do with miniscule resources. Pál was invited to join the Europe team in the “Duel in the Pool” against USA in December, we had 4 young swimmers (and a coach) doing…

  • The ‘dictatorial’ nature of swimming is to blame for Monk’s lie ?

    Wow, swimming commentator and retired Australian Olympic swimmer Nicole Livingstone blames the “dictatorial” nature of our sport for the elaborate lie that Kenrick Monk came up with on Wednesday, saying he was a victim of a hit-an-run accident when all that happened was that he broke his arm from falling of a skateboard. “Having been…

  • Police Union furious with Kenrick Monk

    Australian swimming star Kenrick Monk has wasted police time by lying about the incident that caused his broken elbow, the Queensland Police Union says. Union presiden Ian Leavers goes as far as saying that Monk’s lies has caused immense damage to himself, his family, friends and the sport of swimming. “The public rightly expect that…

  • Ryk Neethling’s swimming academy robbed

    Olympic gold medalist Ryk Neethling’s swimming academy in Garsfontein, Pretoria has been broken into and equipment to the value of R50,000 (6,300 USD) stolen. Read iolnews. “It is very sad to me. You try so hard to make a difference in your country. Then it is one step forward and two steps back,” Neethling told…

  • Kenrick Monk ‘lucky to be alive’ after hit-and-run accident

    The immediate future of Olympic swimmer Kenrick Monk is in jeopardy after the Brisbane-based star was knocked unconscious in a hit-and-run-accident while riding his push bike to training yesterday afternoon. X-rays have revealed two broken bones in his elbow and he will visit a specialist today to confirm the extent of his injuries. This only…

  • George Bovell III – Swim Part 2 – 1st Weight Session

    George Bovell III is definitely back in training, recovering well from his car accident in August, as proven with this video from his first weight training session the day before yesterday. Follow him on 1st Weights from George Bovell on Vimeo.

  • David Walliams still unable to walk after 140-mile charity swim

    Two weeks after completing his 140-mile swim along the Thames, David Walliams continues to pay the price for it in terms of his health. He tore a disc in his back as a result of the swim, is ordered by his doctors not to leave his hospital bed, has to undergo physio, and has also…