Category: Fun

  • 15 tips for the best underwater photos

    How can this not be swimming relevant? Go straight to and see the 15 tips: Shoot in safe waters, have enough light, stay at the surface, get close, get acrobatic, make bubbles, bring in props, practice your shot before you take it, wear light clothing, shoot up or across, and 5 more. (A relevant…

  • Chill Meet Warmup at Santa Clara

    These guys can’t be serious ! :-)

  • CDC announces healthy swimming video contest

    CDC’s Healthy Swimming Program is asking the public to make short, creative videos that feature simple steps everyone can take to ensure a healthy and illness-free swimming experience. There is a 1000 dollars to be won, plus worldwide fame and knowing that you made a difference, so get at it! Via

  • Royal wedding preparations in Monaco

    Oh my, Charlene Wittstock is probably the first olympic swimmer to have her own royal maccaroons designed. Via

  • The +Pool, a floating pool in the heart of New York

    Designers have come up with an astonishing, floating, plus sign-shaped pool they hope to build in the East River, off Brooklyn Bridge Park. One of the technical challenges is water filtration, with the pool being planned as basically a “giant strainer”, filtering contaminated river water into clean, swimmable pool water. In order to accomplish this,…

  • The swimming pool that turned into a museum

    In the last few years of the twentieth century, the Mayor of Lille in northern France had a quandary. The old swimming pool in Roubaix had been closed in 1985 due to safety problems, so why not simply knock the building down? Except, the pool was a stunning example of Art Deco architecture. Read…

  • Have you ever gone fishing in your swimming pool ?

    Last weekend, the Scadding Court Community Center swimming pool was drained, filled with tap water, and then filled with over 2,000 rainbow trout. This to offer city dwellers a summer fishing experience without leaving the city. It is an annual event called “Gone Fishin‘”. Fantastic! Via

  • This ad is supposed to sell something

    I just wonder what (and now fear the ocean). Source via England Expects

  • Nightsurf

    What an amazing video. As someone comments here on Vimeo, “the moon and stars were a bit too much for me.” And then the director answers, “Thanks Otis but there is no intention to simulate reality.” :-) Nightsurf from Iker Elorrieta on Vimeo.