Category: Fun

  • UK owns the World’s Largest Water Balloon Fight record

    On August 26th, University of Kentucky’s Christian Student Fellowship went to break the world record for the World’s Largest Water Balloon Fight set in 2010 by students at Brigham Young University. 8957 people threw 175,141 water ballons in the fight, compared to a mere 3927 people in 2010. A record surely begging to be broken,…

  • Garrett Weber-Gale on “Staging” at Noma

    A good read here on, by Olympic gold medalist and food enthusiast Garrett Weber-Gale: On August 7th, I traveled to Copenhagen to apprentice at Noma. I had little notion of what I’d be doing, or what I’d be learning. Of course, I read up a bunch regarding their ‘Nordic Cuisine’, and some of the…

  • The Front Bottoms – “Swimming Pool”

    From the self-titled debut album on Bar/None Records (release date September 6, 2011) The Front Bottoms “Swimming Pool” from Another Reybee Productions, Inc. on Vimeo.

  • The Mercedes Benz Fashion Festival Speedo Final

    Because we don’t get tired of this, do we ? I agree with that nice lady btw, that suit looks fabulous ! Via the 17th man.

  • Open water swimmers wanted for a new British feature film

    Kathleen Crawford Casting is looking for one Scandinavian-looking extreme swimmer/surfer and a pair of strong swimmers to play ‘young mum and dad’, for a feature film to be shot in Scotland and London this fall. This is paid work you guys, no acting experience necessary, but in shape to run and swim repeatedly for days…

  • DigitalRevTV testing 5 waterproof cameras

    Using a “professional swimmer” and everything. The review is now 1½ years old, but it is still amusing, and might help you select one of these cheap waterproof cameras that must be even more cheap by now. As a service to our Swimmer’s Daily readers, I’ll save you having to watch the full 9:52 minutes…

  • Last Day of Summer LipDub

    “The last day of summer vacation 2011: 13 people, a chicken, one take on one amazing summer.” Music: The Swimming Song by Loudon Wainwright III. The camera action is a bit shaky at times, but still I like it a lot :-)

  • Crikey, there’s a crocodile in the pool !

    Swimmers in Darwin, Australia got a small yet significant shock when a crocodile was found in a public pool. Lifeguard Tim Dupe said he initially thought the reptile was a rubber toy until it snapped it jaws. Swimmer’s Daily comment: The reptile epidemic is spreading, from now on I’ll put a bullet through every toy…

  • Behold, the World Bog Snorkeling Championships

    They’ve got some crazy rules down there in Llanwrtyd Wells in Wales. “Competitors must swim (without the use of their arms) down the bog and back again. Only 1 length is required if they are in a fancy dress.” The world record is now 1 minute 24 seconds, from when Andrew Holmes this year swam…