Category: Faroe Islands
Faroe Islands hosts Nordic Learn to Swim Conference
On October 18 to 20 Faroe Islands Aquatics will host the Nordic Learn to Swim Conference in the capital of Tórshavn. This initiative aims to engage with swim instructors and teachers locally and abroad who want to update their knowledge on how to teach swimming effectively.
Faroe Islands Trying to Swim Safely Through the Coronavirus Pandemic
A quick run-through of the precautions that have put into place in Faroese swimming, by the Faroe Islands Swimming Association in cooperation with its swim clubs and the Faroe Islands Coronavirus Advisory Panel, in order to prevent a possible spread of COVID-19 cases during swim practices now when carefully opening up again after lockdown. For…
Well Preserved | The Morning Swimmers of Sandagerði
There is no better way to start the day than an early morning sea swim. It’s physical, mental, spiritual, communal – all wrapped up in a simple dip in the sea. A group of women, who call themselves the ‘Morning Swimmers of Sandagerði’, brave the icy waters of the North Atlantic, along the coastline of…
Swimmer’s Daily, Faroe Islands and me featured on the #AskASwimPro Show
Rókur à Jákupsstovu, President of The Faroe Islands Swimming Federation joins MySwimPro CEO, Fares Ksebati for this episode of The #AskASwimPro Show in Hangzhou, China at the 2018 FINA World Aquatic Convention.
The athletes from nowhere: Dispatches from the Faroe Islands, a proud sporting nation the Olympics won’t acknowledge
Ah, the hard memories We competed at the 2015 European Games in Baku,†Joensen remembers. “And we were not allowed to use the Faroe flag. Instead we had to compete as LEN (Ligue Européenne de Natation) and were given tee-shirts with no flag, just plain blue with our name. And when we were introduced our…
Faroe Islands Steps up Campaign for Olympic Recognition
Faroe Islands have stepped up their campaign for Olympic inclusion here today and called on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to grant recognition in order to boost sporting opportunities. Read Inside the Games, BBC, AIPS, Around the Rings and see Faroe Olympic on Twitter and this brochure Tweets by FaroeOlympic
Pro Windsurfer Daniel Bruch Takes On the Icy Waves of the Faroe Islands
My experience windsurfing in the Faroe Islands is something that will stick with me forever. For starters, the place is utterly beautiful. Everywhere you look seems like it was taken right from post card. However, I must admit that I wasn’t prepared for the arctic conditions. It was brutal, to say the very least. The…
Nordic Open Masters Championships 2015 – Live Timing & Streaming
This weekend in Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands Swimming Association will host the 2015 Nordic Open Masters Championships, featuring 318 swimmers from 8 countries, ranging from 25 to 93 years of age. See and