Author: rokur
Nathan Adrian Qualified – Weight Room Freak
Nathan’s strength training is full of trade secrets, but in this episode we get a behind-the-scenes look at his routine, how his impressive power in the weight room translates to record-breaking speeds in the pool.
Beneath360, A Short Film About High Divers Shot in 360°
Beneath360 is a 4 minute short film by British director Amanda Bluglass which shows a 360° panoramic view of Olympic high board medalist Tom Daley, Olympiad Brooke Graddon and under 12 champion Victoria Vincent as they each dive into the water from a 10m board. It was viewed on a 360° projected screen during the…
Ardmore Charity Christmas Swim
The annual Christmas swim at Ardmore Beach in aid of Helvic and Youghal RNLI