Brazilian Swimmer Speaks Out After Expulsion From Olympics | Guardian Sport

Brazilian Swimmer Speaks Out After Expulsion From Olympics | Guardian Sport

Brazilian swimmer Ana Carolina Vieira has spoken out on social media after she was sent home from the Paris Olympics. Vieira and her teammate and boyfriend, Gabriel Santos, were given a warning after they left the athletes’ village without clearing it with the team, according to the Brazilian Olympic Committee. Their infraction was discovered following posts on social media. The BOC said it had decided to punish the athletes but claimed that ‘Ana Carolina, in a disrespectful and aggressive manner, contested a technical decision made by the Brazilian National Swimming Team committee. As a result, Gabriel Santos was given a warning and Ana Carolina Vieira was dismissed from the delegation. She will return to Brazil immediately.’ Vieira denied any bad behaviour on her part and said that she has left without any of her belongings and without being able to contact anyone.


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