Milorad Cavic Explains Phelps Rivalry and 2008 Olympics | Kyle Millis

Milorad Cavic Explains Phelps Rivalry and 2008 Olympics | Kyle Millis

In this week’s episode of Athletes Only, Olympic Silver Medalist, Milorad Cavic, sits down and shares his journey as a swimmer including his 2008 Olympics 100 Butterfly vs Michael Phelps which came down to 0.01 and sparked a much larger swimming controversy. That controversy turned into a rivalry with Phelps that led into the 2009 World Championships where they traded Butterfly World Records, back and forth.

Milorad shares all the highs and lows of his career, his journey to the Olympics, and his Life at Cal swimming with Anthony Ervin and Nathan Adrian. He also shares lots of great stories about the ins and outs of professional swimming that not everyone gets to hear about, you’re definitely going to want to stick around for this!


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