Heping Island Park Saltwater Pools Reopen With COVID Prevention Measures in Place | Formosa TV English News

Heping Island Park Saltwater Pools Reopen With COVID Prevention Measures in Place | Formosa TV English News

The saltwater pools at Keelung”s Heping Island Park are open once again. After three months of restrictions, the park is now allowing swimmers to come for a dip, with COVID prevention measures firmly in place. The park has scheduled five daily sessions capped at 100 swimmers each. Early Friday morning, many eager swimmers arrived at the park for their first dip since the local outbreak.

After almost three months of COVID restrictions, people are itching for an outing. Now, they can go to Heping Island Park, which reopened its seawater swimming pools on Friday. Many swimmers turned up early to once again take a splash in the salty waters.

The pools have reopened with COVID measures in place. Every day there are five sessions lasting 90 minutes each. Capacity is capped at 100 people, all of whom must register beforehand. The pandemic is not over yet, so public health guidelines are still being enforced. Swimmers must put on a face mask as soon as they get out of the water. Showers are to remain closed, though changing rooms will remain open. Pets won’t be allowed in the pools.


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