Training for the Tokyo Olympic Games… SOLO | Michael Gunning Vlogs

Training for the Tokyo Olympic Games… SOLO | Michael Gunning Vlogs

An Olympic cycle is always a tough one, but when all the swimming pools and gym facilities close during a National Lockdown, the journey can be a real bumpy ride! As an elite athlete, I’ve managed to keep training (with the help of some amazing human beings) in preparation for the Tokyo Olympic Games, but there have been many hurdles and one of them is training on my own!

I hope this video gives you an insight into what I’ve been getting up to as an elite athlete, but also my personal covid thoughts, training/competition preparation, and the compulsory World Anti-Doping Agency (WHEREABOUTS) system. Please remember to like, subscribe and comment if you’d like to see more, and I’m excited for you to be on this journey with me x


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