David Alleva, PhD Talks about the Lifelong Benefits of Swimming on WOWSA Live

David Alleva, PhD Talks about the Lifelong Benefits of Swimming on WOWSA Live

David Alleva, Ph.D. swam competitively as a child and teenager. He then went on to represent Indiana University at the NCAA level, majoring in biology. He culminated his swimming career on the professional marathon swimming circuit while obtaining his Ph.D. in immunology, have 12 papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and winning races from the United States to Italy. Ultimately, he was inducted in the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame as an Honor Swimmer in its Class of 1992. Dr. Alleva then went on to become a scientific leader in drug discovery and the development of immunotherapeutics and vaccines in several biopharmaceutical companies. He has published over 30 research articles in peer-reviewed journals. He developed one of the first antigen-specific immunotherapeutic clinical candidates for Type 1 diabetes and is currently the Executive Director of immunotherapeutics at Akston Biosciences. In this WOWSA Live interview with Steven Munatones, Dr. Alleva summed up the lifelong benefits of interval training by competitive swimmers and collegiate swimmers in a uniquely profound way.


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