7-hour Marathon Swim for Marine Conservation | Ross Edgley

A 2018 study revealed only 13% of our oceans are considered truly wild, but what’s worse is this (scary) statistic has gone relatively unnoticed. Why? Well, partly because the sea (and its inhabitants) require a bigger “voice” to be heard. To quote the great Sir David Attenborough “This is a communication challenge rather than a scientific one. We need to make it easy for the world to understand the issues and to enable an increasingly urban population to connect with nature and feel a shared responsibility for it.” Which is exactly why last weekend myself and the Talker team took to the water (equipped with a plentiful supply of bananas) in support of Talisker and Parley on their mission to Rewild Our Seas and created this short film (see link here for more information: https://www.rewildourseas.com)


One response to “7-hour Marathon Swim for Marine Conservation | Ross Edgley”

  1. […] A 2018 study revealed only 13% of our oceans are considered truly wild, but what’s worse is this (scary) statistic has gone relatively unnoticed. Why? Well, partly because the sea (and its inhabitants) require a bigger “voice” to be heard. To quote the great Sir David Attenborough “This is a communication challenge rather than a […] Source link […]

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