Experts call for enhanced water safety, swimming curriculum after Changi Beach drowning incident

Experts in water safety and survival said the beaches in Singapore built on reclaimed land could spell trouble for people swimming there. The warning comes after a teenager drowned in waters off Changi Beach. The Singapore Civil Defence Force attended to 12 water-related incidents in the first half of 2020. In 2019, it responded to 36 cases, down from 38 the previous year.


One response to “Experts call for enhanced water safety, swimming curriculum after Changi Beach drowning incident”

  1. […] Experts in water safety and survival said the beaches in Singapore built on reclaimed land could spell trouble for people swimming there. The warning comes after a teenager drowned in waters off Changi Beach. The Singapore Civil Defence Force attended to 12 water-related incidents in the first half of 2020. In 2019, it responded to […] Source link […]

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