Sew others may live: Coast Guard swimmers makes masks for healthcare workers

Rescue Swimmers at Sector North Bend wear two hats as helicopter rescue swimmers and survival technicians. But even with multiple hats, Ansley says there’s a lesser-known skill every Rescue Swimmer in the Coast Guard has.

“We have 13 swimmers here and along with that, we have some sewing skills that we’ve been taught and we use those on a daily basis for normal everyday things at the unit.” They are used to repairing things like garment bags and patches.

Rescue Swimmers at Sector North Bend are putting that skill to good use, stepping up to assist their local health care workers.

“We took this opportunity to say, “‘Hey, you know we have the skills, we have enough ability to add this on top of our every day at work anyway so let’s see what we can do about putting together some masks to help the community,” Ansley said.

See KGW8


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