Star Athletes Show Off Creative Lockdown Workouts/Challenges

The 2020 Olympics in Tokyo might be postponed, but that’s no excuse for the star athletes that would have been competing to get out of shape. Divers, gymnasts, swimmers, and rugby players have all been showcasing the inventive ways they’re working out white stuck inside their homes during quarantine. Simone Biles, perhaps the greatest gymnast in Olympic history, is practicing on her own home equipment. She also took on a viral challenge and added her own twist.


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Все новое это – хорошо забытое старое! Ловите несколько упражнений для плавания на суше так сказать😅 Не грустите и не болейте🙌🏼 🥰 P.S. плаваю я лучше чем говорю и снимаю видео😅 да и на суще так себе😂😅 Зато всегда на позитиве🙃😉 #swimming #stayhome #swimathome #swimatthekitchen

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