Faroe Islands Trying to Swim Safely Through the Coronavirus Pandemic

Faroe Islands Trying to Swim Safely Through the Coronavirus Pandemic

A quick run-through of the precautions that have put into place in Faroese swimming, by the Faroe Islands Swimming Association in cooperation with its swim clubs and the Faroe Islands Coronavirus Advisory Panel, in order to prevent a possible spread of COVID-19 cases during swim practices now when carefully opening up again after lockdown.

For those that might wonder, coach Rúni Gaardbo is also an experienced lifeguard (and lifeguard instructor).

Please do notice that these precautions are only our honest attempt, with the main reason for us opening up again being that we as a country have been able to basically eliminate the virus. If you want to make similar training recommendations for your team or country, then check with your local experts!

If you have any questions or suggestions to our recommendations, then please do comment either here on this site or to the video on YouTube. We have tried our best to cover everything while still making it short and readable, but I am sure that there are details and wordings that could be better.

Stay safe!



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