7 Things Swimming Will Teach You About Life

7 Things Swimming Will Teach You About Life

Is there a relationship between swimming and life? Yes, it is, because swimming is life itself, and in this article, we will prove to you that swimming can teach us very valuable life lessons.

You Still Need Survival Skills  – Even in Our Tech Environment

In fact, swimming is the first survival skill. And it is given to us by nature itself. The human fetus develops in water and at a certain moment leaves this environment to meet the world. But the swimming skill remains. Any newborn child can swim, but if you do not support this skill, then it will atrophy over time as something unnecessary.

However, despite all the high technologies, safety standards, rules, and norms, life remains life. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes we can face danger – when your life, the life of your children or other people will depend on your ability to swim. It’s like a skill to drive a car – you can never do it, but sometimes just the skill can be decisive.

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Therefore, the lesson is as follows. We were born out of water – and we must not forget about the paramount survival skills, even despite all the virtues of modern progress.

You Can Do It

Swimming, like any other sport, teaches us that we always have enough strength to do anything. And what’s more, swimming is an innate skill. It does not need to be mastered from scratch – it needs to be restored. And you can do it – just like you can do something else that you want to achieve.

Therefore, besides the fact that swimming is about sports, it is also about self-confidence, self-discipline, the ability to overcome, start from scratch, not give up, endure and swim to the end. It looks like our life, isn’t it?

It Is Possible to Stop the Time

We already know a lot about the benefits of swimming for both physical and mental health. This is the safest sport of all possible, it has practically no contraindications and dangerous consequences, swimming involves all muscle groups and affects all our organs and systems, including the nervous system, of course. This explains the positive effect of swimming on our mental state.

And we will say even more – scientists from Indiana University conducted research and proved that the biological age of those who regularly swim is 20 years less than compared to those who do not. This is a real stop over time – because the date in our passport means only a set of numbers. And only real indicators of our health reflect the real picture.

You May Leave Your Problems in the Water

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Water is very strong energy. Even the water in your bathroom. Water flushes and cleanses – and does not require anything in return. This fact partially explains the positive impact of swimming on the nervous system and mental health in general – water in combination with sports really relieves negative things. Try it yourself if you don’t believe it. It is indeed possible to leave all your problems in the water if you use some mental practices as well.

  • You can imagine all your problems as a black stone and see clearly how you throw it into the water.
  • You can swim and imagine yourself surrounded by a bubble of protective and positive energy.

Thus, swimming also teaches us to work with problems on a mental level – even if you are physically far from the water now, you can always draw the picture you need in your head and get rid of your feelings, especially if you can’t influence to the situation.

The Process Can Be Even More Important Than the Result

Sometimes we come to a goal and realize that the process itself was actually a goal. And that is wonderful. Swimming is another lesson in self-development. When we set a goal, break it into small steps, gradually overcome each, experience difficulties, do not give up, and in the end still achieve results, then pride in the path traveled sometimes even sounds stronger than the feeling of victory. Because these are your life lessons that will stay with you forever, and which will help you move forward and get high from the process, in other, possibly more difficult situations.

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Sometimes, the Only Way Is to Overcome Yourself

No one will ever tell you directly about this, but you can believe it – very many famous (and not known) swimmers experienced fear. Fear of depth (even when you understand that the coach is half a step away from you), fear of jumping (even when you understand that the distance to the water is no more than half a meter), fear of height (even when you understand that water below will easily take you into its arms and will not do any harm). These are all real fears. And there is only one way to overcome them – close your eyes, breathe more air and take a step forward. And in real life, it works the same way.

And Sometimes, You Just Need to Loose

Winning and losing go hand in hand. Without knowing the taste of defeat, it is impossible to taste the victory completely. And yes, this is another fact that professional swimmers do not speak directly about – but each of them knows everything about what defeat means. And here, you need to be able to correctly perceive defeats – both in the pool and in real life. It is necessary to learn to be grateful for the opportunity to compete and to be grateful to your rivals – for the opportunity to evaluate your abilities with a sober look, to reconsider your strategy and continue to move again.


This is impressive, right? Just one simple action given to us by nature  – to swim forward, but this is not a complete list of life lessons that it can teach you.

Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.


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