The woman making ’60 the new 40′ by becoming the oldest person to swim the 200-km Oceans Seven

The woman making ’60 the new 40′ by becoming the oldest person to swim the 200-km Oceans Seven

Many people have heard of the world’s seven summits, but few have heard of the Ocean’s Seven.

A massive marathon swimming challenge encompassing bodies of water around the world, it includes the North Channel, the Cook Strait, the Molokai Channel, the English Channel, the Catalina Channel, the Tsugaru Channel, and the Strait of Gibraltar.

Accomplishing one channel is no easy feat – aside from predators in the open ocean and varying water temperatures, one who tackles all seven channels must be prepared to swim for up to 12 hours or more at a time.

It’s as dangerous as it is courageous and that’s why in light of this year’s Guinness World Records Day themed “Spirit of Adventure”, we’re recognising one of the most fearless adventurers to conquer the Ocean Seven: Elizabeth Fry.

See Guinness World Records


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