How is Cryotherapy Good For Your Health & Wellness?

How is Cryotherapy Good For Your Health & Wellness?

Cryotherapy has become widely popular in recent years, but the concept of exposing the body to freezing temperatures for health benefits is nothing new. As a matter of fact, people have been using cryotherapy on their own, particularly athletes after a hard practice or game for the past few decades. In this read, we are going to take a look at the many benefits of cryotherapy, but first, it’s imperative to know what cryotherapy is all about.

Simply put, cryotherapy is the process of exposing the body to extremely low temperatures between -90 and -140 degrees Celcius. If you have certain areas of the body that have more inflammation, pain, injury, or general uncomfortable-ness, you can localize this treatment such as doing it for just the leg or arm. However, the most common process is exposing your entire body to the extreme cold. So, what are the health benefits of cryotherapy?

Boosts the Mood

The process is known to have numerous cognitive benefits, but the most common is balancing hormones and boosting the mood. When your body has a hormonal imbalance, you may experience some bad moods like sadness, dullness, and even ager. With cryotherapy, however, you can lift your mood as it aids in the release of serotonin. Not only does the release of serotonin help dramatically with your mood, but also a relief of pain will have similar side effects as listed below.

Alleviates Migraine Pain & Occurrences

Migraines can be caused by an array of factors. However, the most common originates from neck pain and tightness. According to studies, compressing the carotid arteries with a cold substance can alleviate migraines considerably. That’s because the low temperatures numb and get rid of swelling or inflammation in the region. So doing cryotherapy to rid yourself of migraines is a great idea, and can dramatically improve your quality of life if you give it a shot!

Alleviates Arthritis Pain

Cryotherapy is ideally known to reduce arthritis pain substantially. This is achieved by alleviating inflammation in regions where arthritis exists. Cryotherapy has ideally helped numerous individuals going through occupational therapy and rehab programs. When done consecutively, it can actually have long term effects. Restore Cryotherapy Boca Raton has documented many clients’ results and reactions to what cryotherapy has brought to their life; you see a lot of pain-loss and an ease into a healthier and happier life.

Can Help With Skin Conditions

Cryotherapy is ideally known to help with the healing process of numerous skin conditions. That is because it boosts the levels of antioxidants drastically, which in turn minimizes skin disorders like atopic dermatitis. Another great thing about cryotherapy is that it limits acne by targeting the sebaceous glands.

Treating Low-Risk Tumours

Cryotherapy has also started being utilized on low-risk tumors or people that are subject to cancer cells. This is a procedure referred to as cryosurgery. It uses the low temperatures to freeze cancer cells by forming ice crystals around them and preventing them from attacking the rest of the healthy cells.

As you can see, there are many health benefits of cryotherapy from boosting your mood and alleviating pain to treating low-risk tumors, there is a lot to love about this form of therapy.

Guest post by Ashley Tewes



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