Louisville could still get a new aquatic center — and talks about it will renew next month

Louisville launched a study nine months ago to examine the potential of adding a new indoor aquatic center.

Officials said the city had “maxed out capacity” with existing options and wanted to look into luring regional and national meets.

But an entirely different conversation has played out in the months since — dominated by an ill-fated tax hike proposal to fill the city’s looming budget hole and a spending plan with $25.5 million in cuts.

Instead of talking about building a new aquatic center, city officials discussed keeping outdoor pools closed for the summer, further depleting a city that’s already described as “pool poor.” (Three of four stayed dry and one other opened for a portion of the summer, funded in large part by one councilwoman’s discretionary fund.)

Now, though, city officials say they’re poised to renew discussions about the study and are ready to have a larger discussion about pools and other recreational offerings, like slides or play features.

Read Courier Journal



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