Before you go swimming be aware of Cryptosporidium

Before you go swimming be aware of Cryptosporidium

Before you and your family head to the pools and water parks this summer you should be aware of the parasite Cryptosporidium — more commonly known as “Crypto”.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports there are many different types of Cryptosporidium that infect animals and humans.

Recreational water use is the most common way to spread the parasite which is a leading cause of waterborne disease among humans in the United States.

Big Sky Waterpark General Manager Roger Elliott says Crypto can be easily spread if a person enters the water that’s had diarrhea and vomiting within the last two weeks.

“Cryptosporidium is a spore baring bug that is protected in environments like guts and swimming environments with chlorine and the spore protects that bug from being harmed by regular amounts of chlorine,” said Elliott.

Elliott told MTN News that parents must have swim diapers on their children if they are going into the water. Often times crypto can spread if they don’t have the proper diapers.

“Young babies that don’t wear swim diapers can have accidents in the pool,” explained Elliott.



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