The Life Jacket Project at WCDP 2017 / Projet Gilet de sauvetage au WCDP 2017

Artist Aquil Virani invited over 800 delegates to contribute to a collaborative painting at the International Life Saving Federation’s 2017 World Conference on Drowning Prevention (WCDP) in Vancouver. Responses to the question, “What is the most effective action taking place in your community to prevent drowning?”, were integrated into the collaborative artwork which was unveiled at the WCDP closing ceremonies on Thursday, October 19th, 2017.

Aquil Virani is a Montreal-based artist who often uses simple forms of public participation to inform his socially-conscious art projects. Watch more videos of Aquil’s work at To purchase a print of The Life Jacket Project, please click All proceeds go to the Swim to Survive program which provides survival swimming skills to Grade 3 and Grade 7 students.

Projet Gilet de sauvetage
Peinture acrylique et en aérosol sur toile
Artiste : Aquil Virani, 2017.


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