Jilted girlfriend of prominent US banker dumps his Mercedes into swimming pool

Jilted girlfriend of prominent US banker dumps his Mercedes into swimming pool

Break-ups are ugly. But not every tale of spurn love ends with a Mercedes sitting at the bottom of a swimming pool.

Russian-born model Kristina Kuchma, who was dumped by prominent banker Guy Gentile, 41, did just that, driving her ex-lover’s car into the pool in his backyard, reported the New York Post.

The couple was at dinner near his Bahamas home with a friend, when Miss Kuchma, 24, said she was “pregnant” – not with a child, but with a business idea.

She asked Mr Gentile, who runs a Bahamas-based brokerage, for a funding of US$50,000 (S$67,500) to start a marketing business.

Mr Gentile, who was involved in a Wall Street pump-and-dump scheme in 2007 but became an FBI informant to beat the charges, then decided to end their year and a half-long relationship, according to the Post.

Read The Straits Times



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