Michael Phelps and His Family Announce They Are #Trainingfor2032

While Michael Phelps may not be doing much training on his own right now, the most decorated swimmer of all time announced today that he and his son, Boomer, along with his wife, Nicole, are #Trainingfor2032 together along with babies around the world who enjoy fun and safe water play with Huggies Little Swimmers®.

In today’s press conference, Phelps discussed the importance of parents and babies engaging in safe water play. In addition to being fun and great exercise, it can also positively impact a baby’s development. “Training” will mean something different for all babies — from running through sprinklers in the backyard to a day at the beach. As long are they’re safely having fun, they’re doing it right!

“Some of the best memories of my life have been in the water – and none more special than the days I spend swimming with Boomer,” says Phelps. “I’m not teaching Boomer to master the butterfly just yet, but #Trainingfor2032 includes safe water play that helps build comfort and confidence in the water. I’m partnering with Huggies Little Swimmers because I want to all babies to be the best swimmers they can be.”

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