The transgender swimming group that’s changing lives

The familiar smell of chlorinated water. The feeling of cool air against unclothed skin. The cacophony of laughter, splashes and sharp intakes of breath. And, the nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach as you take the plunge.

The swimming pool is usually a place where the water makes you feel free and safe. Indeed, for a great deal of us, the act of going to a swimming pool is something that involves little thought or anxiety.

But, what if the thought of going swimming filled you with fear? If the very idea of entering a changing room prevented you from exercising?

This fear of what should be a safe public space is something that transgender and gender non-conforming people live with every day of their lives.

One group of people is taking the fear out of swimming with the Transgender And Gender-Nonconforming Swimming group (TAGS).

Read Mashable


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