Stanford rapist Brock Turner: “I’ve been shattered by the party culture”

Stanford rapist Brock Turner: “I’ve been shattered by the party culture”

In a pre-sentencing letter to the judge released today by the New York Times,convicted rapist Brock Turner fails to own any responsibility for raping an unconscious woman behind a trash dumpster on Jan. 17, 2015. Turner’s plea letter reads like a laundry list of white male privilege lost. It touched the white male judge in all the right places. Turner begs for leniency in his letter, and he got it.

“I’ve been shattered by the party culture and risk taking behavior that I briefly experienced in my four months at school,” writes the former Stanford University student. “I’ve lost my chance to swim in the Olympics.”

Turner blames the sexual assault he committed on a campus culture of excessive alcohol consumption, peer pressure, and “sexual promiscuity.”

There’s no way Brock Allan Turner–oh by the way, did you see his swimming times?–could have raped a woman because he’s a fucking rapist.

In a letter to Judge Aaron Persky of the Santa Clara County Superior Court which was submitted before his ridiculously wrist-slap of a sentence, Turner says: “I am the sole proprietor of what happened on the night that changed these people’s lives forever. I would give anything to change what happened.”

The New York Times published a copy of his letter today. In it, Turner also says that his decision to rape an unconscious woman behind a trash dumpster on the Stanford campus left him “a changed person.” I’ll bet! It changed the woman he raped, too.

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