New Report Details Why Ex-Stanford Swimmer Was Given 6-Month Sentence For Sexual Assault

Former Stanford swimmer Brock Turner received a 6 month jail sentence for sexually assaulting a fellow female student because the judge deemed the trial itself as enough of a punishment, according to new reports.

The presiding judge of Santa Clara County, Aaron Persky, concluded what many are calling a “slap on the wrist” as sufficient because media attention and legal proceedings were already stressful and disciplinary for Turner.

The ex-Stanford swimmer blamed the university’s “party culture” and the pervasive temptations from booze that permeate social life on campus, according to a letter he sent to the judge prior to the sentencing

Turner has not admitted that he sexually assaulted the woman, despite the guilty verdict. Both the victim and the prosecutor highlighted the feigned apology and what they consider a blatant lack of remorse during the trial.

Persky said the 39 character references helped convince him that Turner deserved a shorter sentence. Persky cited one in particular — from friend Leslie Rasmussen — as one that stood out. “It sort of corroborates the evidence of his character up until the night of this incident, which has been positive,” the judge said.

Read The Libertarian Republic


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