High School Girls Busted After Hiring Male Stripper For Swimming Banquet

High School Girls Busted After Hiring Male Stripper For Swimming Banquet

A high school swim club is in hot water after school officials say the girls hired a male stripper to perform at their swimming banquet last week.

The students were gathered at an off-campus facility in Des Moines, Iowa, on Friday when the dancer dropped in, making a splash, a district official confirmed.

“It turned out it was the older sister of a freshman who hired the stripper,” Phil Roeder, director of communications for Des Moines public schools, told The Huffington Post Wednesday.

He said the idea came from a similar stunt that was pulled off by the club about seven or eight years ago. Because it wasn’t until later on that that event was discovered, the Roosevelt High School students had escaped discipline.

Roeder said the freshman student’s older sister, who he described as a graduate in her early 20s, suggested that the club “renew that tradition.”

But apparently not everyone was on board — including the staff at the Des Moines Social Club, which Roeder said booted the stripper from their building.

Read Huffington Post

Photo by istolethetv


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