Waterproof Splash Drone can automatically follow your jet ski (or swimmer)

Splash Drone is designed to film all of your lakeside adventures. It will also come with a payload release function, so it can make small seaside deliveries to you or your friends. Although we hope you never need it, the Splash Drone also has a flare attachment to help you out in case of emergency.

The developers are making two versions of the Splash Drone. The first version is remote-controlled, and the second version has app bassed controls and features an autonomous mode. With the app based controls you can set a precise flight path ahead of time, or you can engage Splash Drone’s “follow me” mode so the drone will automatically follow your awesome wakeboarding session. The drone can be set to return to its launch site for an automatic landing, but if it ever lands in the water it’s no big deal because the drone and camera gimbal are waterproof.

Splash Drone is up on Kickstarter and although it only asked for $17,500 USD, it has already raised over $64,000 USD. The Kickstarter still has 30 days to go and still has some early bird specials available to pledges.

See Slashgear


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