Doping hearing for Park Tae-hwan postponed

An international doping hearing for South Korean swimmer Park Tae-hwan has been postponed, officials here said on Friday.

The Korea Swimming Federation (KSF) said FINA, the international governing body of swimming, has put off the hearing originally scheduled for Feb. 27 in Lausanne, Switzerland. No new date has been set, the KSF added.

The KSF explained that Park had asked FINA to delay the hearing because he needed more time to prepare.

Park, a four-time Olympic medalist and two-time world champ, tested positive for testosterone, a substance banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), after submitting two urine samples to FINA on Sept. 3.

Earlier this month, prosecutors in Seoul indicted the doctor who apparently injected the banned substance into Park on charges of professional negligence.

Read Yonhap News

Photo by KOREA.NET – Official page of the Republic of Korea


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