Shallow Water Blackout PSA Featuring Bob Bowman and Michael Phelps

In this PSA, Bob Bowman, CEO/Head Coach of North Baltimore Aquatic Club, discusses the very serious topic of Shallow Water Blackout. Even experienced athletes can become a victim of this tragic phenomenon where oxygen is deprived from a swimmer’s system during practice which can lead to drowning. This PSA can help to prepare even highly experienced coaches to provide a safer environment for their swimmers.


One response to “Shallow Water Blackout PSA Featuring Bob Bowman and Michael Phelps”

  1. This is no joke. I swim at Bowman’s club, and hearing the NBAC boys laughing and joking in the locker room takes me back to my own swim team days. Just over a year ago a fourteen-year-old boy from one of the teams died from shallow water blackout. He was reportedly a great kid all around, but it seems likely that he was trying to swim underwater in the one lane that runs past the 50m barrier, which would have been around 60m.

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