Korean War vet finds life through swimming

Age is catching up with Egre now. After years of marching in the infantry and scaling mountains in the ski patrol, the avid tennis player’s body is breaking down.

“I have end-stage kidney disease plus a lot of other morbidities. I lost my right shoulder, pretty much my left shoulder. I lost my right foot, my right knee is gone. I have CAD, artery disease,” he said.

All of those ailments are speeding up the clock. Doctors told him in order to stay alive he needs to stay active and one of the only activities a person with his limitations can do is swim.

Luckily for him, swimming was his childhood hobby.

“Swimming is my life. It keeps me going. Without swimming, I probably would not be alive today,” he said. “When they take away my swimming, I’m going to a wheelchair and that will be the end. I won’t be around much longer.”

See wtsp.com


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