When faced with higher prices, swimming is the activity most likely to take a dive

When faced with higher prices, swimming is the activity most likely to take a dive

Experts agree that it’s a great way of staying fit and healthy at any age, but when faced with higher prices people are likely to swim less often, while other forms of physical activity such as working out or walking are barely affected.

According to a study by Brunel University London’s Health Economics Research Group (HERG), swimming is the individual activity that most people would drop if they faced higher prices.

The study included interviews with 1,683 people, 83% of whom took part in physical activity in some form. It found that people facing 10% higher entry fees to swimming pools were 29% less active, once other variations such as their age and differences in income were taken into account.

A similar 10% higher price of a gym workout would hardly dent enthusiasm, with participation dropping by just 3%. In the case of brisk walking, the expected drop would be even less at 2%.

Prof Julia Fox-Rushby, Professor of Health Economics at Brunel’s HERG, said: “Among those surveyed there was a very clear understanding that physical activity is a means of getting healthy, losing weight and having fun.

“But, we have shown for the first time in England, that engaging in physical activity costs you real money and people make a trade-off between whether to go to a leisure centre and how much it would cost them.”

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Image courtesy of stevepb


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