Headed to Amazon, David Beckham warned about Candiru, the urethra invading ‘vampire fish’

Read NY Daily News

David Beckham was warned off swimming in the Amazon during the recent shooting of a documentary — for fear of a deadly fish swimming into his genitalia, sources tell Confidenti@l.

The 38-year-old Becks, famously nicknamed “Goldenballs,” was told by the production’s medical supervisors not to go for a dip during filming in the Brazilian rainforest because of the so-called “vampire fish.”

The fish, called the candiru, is said to enter people through their urethras and eat their way through their private parts.

And the candiru — small, virtually transparent and nearly impossible to see even in clear water — reportedly targets people’s bottoms, too.

david beckham photo
Photo by Yahoo Pressebilder


One response to “Headed to Amazon, David Beckham warned about Candiru, the urethra invading ‘vampire fish’”

  1. ha ha im sure he dont want that fish..

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