Burger King staff in Brazil use water tank as swimming pool

Burger King staff in Brazil use water tank as swimming pool

See LiveLeak

A video released by an amateur videographer on Monday shows employees of Burger King using the box of one of the chain stores like pool water.

The video shows three half-naked employees bathing and playing in the water tanks that sits on top of the Burger King in Faria Lima Avenue, prime area of ​​São Paulo.
In a moment, another official attitude seems to rebuke. Even so, the “pool bath” continues.

According to Burger King, the filming was done while the store performed washing your water tank. Also according to the company, during the process, the water supply to the cafeteria was suspended until the boxes were emptied, cleaned and stocked again and the entire contents of the boxes was discarded without being used by the restaurant.

In a statement, Burger King declared that “the procedure adopted by the employees was off the guidance and company standards and that appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that events like this are not repeated.”

(Warning, vertical video)


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