The Olympic victory stance: the universal sign of pride or dominance?

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According to scientists who study facial expressions and emotions, this is the victory stance. We saw it on Canadian speed skater Charles Hamelin moments after he realized he took home the gold, and it was the same with Alexandre Bilodeau, as he ran to the stands to hug his brother and family.


It’s a universal gesture, regardless of culture and customs. Instead, it’s spontaneous–an innate response to winning, feeling proud and dominant.

“It’s signifying this person is victorious. It’s establishing one’s status in a hierarchy of some sort and telling others we’ve made this achievement when others have not,”Dr. David Matsumoto, a San Francisco State University researcher, told Global News.

“It’s not just something people put on and do – it’s human nature and a nature we inherited from other animals who do this also,” Dr. Jessica Tracy, of the University of British Columbia, said.


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