CC photo #690: Veldhuis won the Rijeka 2008 women’s 100 free

The reactions in the pool a moment after the women’s 100 meter freestyle final at the LEN 2008 European Short Course Championships in Rijeka, Croatia. From top to bottom 8th placed Alena Popchanka (FRA) in lane 8, 6th placed Sarah Sjöström (SWE) in lane 7, bronze winner Ranomi Kromowidjojo (NED) in lane 6, European champ Marleen Veldhuis (NED) in lane 5, 4th placed Hanna-Maria Seppälä (FIN) in lane 4 and bronze winner Jeanette Ottesen (DEN) in lane 3. See the result list here.

BTW, recently retired Veldhuis is now emigrating to Australia with her family, see RTL Nieuws

Veldhuis won the Rijeka 2008 women's 100 free


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