Ranomi Kromowidjojo breaks with coach Marcel Wouda

At a live KNZB press conference on YouTube today, Olympic champion Ranomi Kromowidjojo announced that she is terminating her cooperation with coach Marcel Wouda, opting instead for Wouda’s current assistant coach Christian Sloof. This follows the recent departure of KNZB technical director Jacco Verhaeren, who until about a year ago coached Kromowidjojo, before he went full-time as technical director and was replaced as coach by Wouda, Verhaeren now leaving Dutch swimming entirely to be national coach of Swimming Australia. Swimmer Bastiaan Lijesen is also putting an end to his cooperation with Wouda, while Femke Heemskerk stays with Wouda. Read and watch for instance nos.nl, nrc.nl, RTV Noord, Omroep Brabant and Hollandswimming


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