Behold pro surfer Mark Healey stiff-arming a tiger shark

stiff-arm-tiger-sharkRead Pete Thomas Outdoors

Mark Healey, a big-wave surfer and passionate freediver, is seen stiff-arming a tiger shark in the accompanying photo and video (video posted below).

What’s not shown is Healey riding the same tiger shark 30 minutes before he issued the football move to the advancing predator.

A handful of freedivers have recently taken to riding sharks by gently grabbing onto their dorsal fins, and Healey was asked by Surfing magazine why he does this and whether it’s a smart idea. He answered: “The whole point of doing it is to make people think about how they perceive sharks. If more people are feeling comfortable with sharks and seeing them in different ways, then that’s a good thing.”

Mark Healey And A Tiger Shark from SURFING Magazine on Vimeo.


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