Tudor Morris to swim the English Channel this September, behold his beautiful video

See Virgin Money Giving

My name is Tudor Morris and when I was 13 years old I was diagnosed with stage 3 non-hodgkins lymphoma, a type of cancer that affects the immune system and lymphatic glands where white blood cells are produced. By the time I started treatment the cancer had spread and I had tumors on both sides of my neck, and more alarmingly, close to my heart and lungs. […]

That 8 years ago now, and luckily I am now cancer free having beaten the disease that my mother sadly succumbed to all those years ago. Momentum has changed vastly since then – when I was at Kingston, it was a very small charity, but with generous donations from the public it has grown.

Naturally, I wanted to give something back to Momentum – for what they did for me, and the massive amount of support that they continue to give today.

I’ve decided I’ll be swimming from England to France in September 2013.

Watch his video 5044141 on YouTube, it is beautiful and touching and explaining English Channel rules and everything.

And donate here


Look’s like he is ready to go


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