Channing Crowder saw Michael Phelps smoke weed 3 weeks before getting caught

According to Channing Crowder, former Miami Dolphins linebacker and current co-host on “The Jorge Sedano Show” on 560 WQAM in Miami, he saw him smoke some weed three weeks prior to being caught taking a hit from a bong. And, Ryan Lochte is described as a pothead. And they go at him for that gaffe on ‘Game Day’. Via Larry Brown Sports and Sports Grid

“When I left Florida, Ryan Lochte was younger than me so he had to be a new freshman,” Crowder said. “And he walked around with his hippie long blond hair and he smoked weed all the time. That’s what Ryan Lochte was. The first time I saw him was in the Olympic Trials and he had the Gator (swim cap) on and I didn’t know the name Ryan Lochte — I remembered the face. And I was like, ‘Oh it’s a Gator in the Olympics.’ I looked and I’m like, ‘Oh, that’s the little hippie pothead boy that was a freshman when I was there.’”

From about 56.13 …


2 responses to “Channing Crowder saw Michael Phelps smoke weed 3 weeks before getting caught”

  1. coacherik Avatar

    So Channing Crowder was a pothead in college too? I mean, he hung out with Phelps when he smoked and he must have been with Lochte to know he was smoking as well. CLEARLY this is the case or he is just throwing words around for ratings and character is not something he is concerned about. For man quoted at times about character and needing it, sure isn’t showing much. Again.


  2. Whats the matter of doing that…..It must be dangerous…and must be illegal if i am not wrong.

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