Swimmers warned to stay away from Stinky the sexually harassing dolphin

It is a scene you never saw in an episode of Flipper but swimmers are being warned not to approach an over amorous male dolphin who’s been sexually bothering snorkellers, swimmers and scuba divers in the waters off Grand Cayman, in the Caribbean. Read more here on the Mirror

Videographer Michael Maes was filming when the dolphin approached him on Monday and began “courting” with him.

He said afterwards: “This is an animal with 500 pounds of pure muscle … It’s seven feet long and it’s got amazing strength. I dive with sharks and I know a couple of tricks you can do to make sharks keep their distance. They’re shy.

“This dolphin was not. I tried those tricks, but he tackled me on every single one of them. They’re very intelligent. Don’t play with them, you’re on the wrong side of the odds,” said Mr Maes.

Warning, video probably NSFW if your not researching dolphin mating behavior


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