Swim coach jailed for sexting ALL his contacts, blames his fat finger

Doub, 24-year-old swimming coach Craig Evans had typed an intimate invitation to his girlfriend asking her if she would like to engage in sex with him ‘skin on skin’, when a slip of the fingers on his BlackBerry smartphone resulted in it going out to ALL the numbers on his phone. As well as having to deal with the humiliation of his family and friends reading the message (/invitation), Evan’s mistake led to far more serious consequences, when his hot message also found its way to two young schoolgirls apparently in his swim class, resulting in him being arrested and charged with causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, and being jailed for 18 months. Sentence later reduced to nine months and then suspended, ‘given the unusual circumstances’ of him inviting everybody he knew for sex.

Read Mail Online.


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