Warning: Don’t swim with contact lenses

Mail Online via Geeks are Sexy

The amoeba that affected this girl is actually pretty rare, but has fast-acting and severe consequences. However, there is also a more common bacteria called “Psuedomonas bacteria” that also lives in water and can destroy your sight in 24-36 hours. Thinking “it’s so rare, it’s likely never going to happen to me” could very well land you in hospital and possibly leave you blind!


The fact is, when you are exposed to water while wearing your contact lenses, whether it be in a pool, the sea or even in your shower, if there happens to be a parasite in the water, it can easily lodge itself between the contact lens and your eye, allowing it to burrow into your eyeball. Obviously you should never wash your contact lens under tap water.

Photo courtesy of Andy Simmons, CC BY-ND 2.0


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