London 2012 day 5 finals: Gyurta and Soni set 200 breast world records

Another exciting day at the London Aquatics Centre, with both men and women setting records, the supersuits beginning to seem irrelevant now. Hungary’s Dani Gyurta set a new world record in the men’s 200 breaststroke, clocking 2:07.28 with Michael Jamieson (GBR) 2nd in 2:07.43 and Ryo Tateishi (JPN) 3rd in 2:08.29. Rebecca Soni set a new world record in the women’s 200 breaststroke semifinal, posting 2:20.00 with Rikke Møller Pedersen 2nd in 2:22.23 and Satomi Suzuki 3rd in 2:22.40. China’s Liuyang Jiao set a new Olympic Record in the women’s 200 butterfly, clocking 2:04.06 with Mireia Belmonte Garcia (ESP) 2nd in 2:05.25 and Natsumi Hoshi (JPN) 3rd in 2:05.48. Ranomi Kromowidjojo (NED) set a new Olympic Record in the women’s 100 freestyle semifinal, clocking 53.05 with Melanie Schlanger (AUS) 2nd in 53.38 and Missy Franklin (USA) 3rd in 53.59. The Americans set a new Olympic Record in the women’s 4×200 freestyle, clocking 7:42.92 with Australia second in 7:44.41 and France 3rd in 7:47.49. USA’s Nathan Adrian outgunned Australia’s James “the Missile” Magnussen 47.52 to 47.53 in the men’s 100 freestyle, Canada’s Brent Hayden 3rd in 47.80. And Ryan Lochte cruised further towards his 200 backstroke/IM double tomorrow, posting best time of 1:56.13 in the men’s 200 IM and second-best 1:55.40 in the men’s 200 backstroke behind only fellow countryman Tyler Clary in 1:54.71.


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